Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2011 Reflections Contest

Reflections Entries are due in the Main Office by
Friday, October 21st!

All four of the above forms must be completely filled out and turned in with your Reflections entry. Please be sure to have your Parent/Guardian Signature where required!

Friday, August 26, 2011

2011 T-Shirt & Hoodie Orders

All orders are due by Wednesday, Sept. 14th.

Double Click to Enlarge & Print

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The end is near!

May is a huge month for activies. Please check here and our Facebook page for updates!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

April Notes

April... wow!! School is out next month!!!

Loads of stuff going on this month:

Apr 1 Donuts

Apr 1 Cheer Clinic

Apr 1 School Musical

Apr 1 Pep Assembly

Apr 4 Cheer Clinic

Apr 5 Cheer Clinic

Apr 6 Cheer Tryouts

Apr 6 Baseball vs Roy

Apr 7-11 No School

Apr 12-15 SBO elections

Apr 14 Baseball @ Rocky

Apr 15 Donuts

Apr 18-22 8th and 9th grade elections

Apr 18 NJHS activity

Apr 19 Baseball vs Orion

Apr 22 PTSA meeting

Apr 22 Donuts

Apr 22 Track @ Bonneville

Apr 25-29 NJHS elections

Apr 26 Baseball vs Wahlquest

Apr 27 Mid-term

Apr 28 Baseball @ TH Bell

Apr 29 Donuts

Apr 29 Track @ Roy

Good luck to all those trying out for positions for next year!! And make sure to get out and support our Baseball and Track teams!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

March Newsletter

Can you believe 3rd quarter will end this month??
This month our focus and cheers go with the Girls Basketball team!!

We are also desperately looking for help for our PTSA. We understand Jr. High can be a daunting place for adults and maybe our kids don't want us there, but PTSA is a great way to keep in touch with what is going on with student and the school. We find that so many parents quit volunteering once their kids enter the secondary school, and honestly, we still need the help! Please contact Kim Eschler at 801-791-7825 if you are interest in offering your time.

Thank you for all the support of our students and faculty!