Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Farr" better family night!!!

Thursday December 9, join us from 5:30-8:30 at Farr's Fresh located at 1912 W 1800 N, Clinton. We will earn 20% of sales that night AND if you bring a non-perishable food donations for our SBO's food drive you will receive a coupon to come back to Farr's Fresh at check out.
So print out the flyer to the right or watch for it to come home with your student and plan to join us!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chick Fil A

Please join us Thursday, November 19th from 5-8 at the Riverdale Chick Fil A... you will need to present the flyer, let them keep your receipt, and we will get 25% of all sales!
Great food, great cause! Put it on your menu and plan to join us!
Ohhh... and kids, say hi to the cow at lunch on the 19th!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween, Fundraisers and more

WOW.. Your PTSA is busy!!
From now till Friday November 5th we are having our Cheerydale Candy Bar Fundraiser. Our goal is to raise enough money to buy banners for our gym and for selling you get great prizes! For selling one box you get a coupon for a FREE Vintage Cupcake, For selling two boxes you get a wonderful recycled, good smelling Smencil and Smen and for selling 4 boxes you get a mystery envelop with CASH!! Not to mention our top sellers will get prizes too!! (2) $50, (3) $25 and (5) $10... you know you want some money!!!

On Thursday we are sponsoring the annual PTSA Halloween stomp.. wear your approved costume for school and come to the stomp for friends, music, fun and a contest... Mr. Maag is DJing.. it's going to rock!!

And this month we are excited about our Chick Fl A family dinner night on the 18th. They are kindly donating 25% of all sales sold between 5pm and 8pm... WOW... and make sure to say HAY to the Cow at lunch on the 18th. PLEASE come join us for dinner!

We love our parents, students, teachers and volunteers! Thank you all for your support!! :D

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Together we can..."

This years PTA Reflections Contest theme is "Together we can...". Students can submit art projects in various categories. These entries are judged with their peers and if they are in the top of their category, could possibly move on to Council, District, State or even Nationals!
Our entries are due October 11 and awards will be held early November.
Categories are: (each is a link to the rules for that category)
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Musical Composition
Visual Arts
Three Dimensional

Entry form and Media Release MUST be turned in with entry.
(can be printed here from the links or picked up in the office after Sept 7)

Any questions?? Please let us know!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School Night

Hay.. back to school night is today!!
7th grade orientation is 4-5, come meet other "sev's" manage your locker, find and meet your teachers and have a fun ol' time!!
Everyone else, stop by 4-7 for open house! Stop by and see your PTSA for shirts, membership and fundraiser goodies.

Monday, August 16, 2010

7th grade orientation

Monday, August 23rd we are helping the councilors with 7th grade orientation from 4-5pm. During this time our newest students will get to know each other, practice on their lockers, find all their classes and have a great time! There will be treats and prizes and the parents can meet with staff to find out what to expect during this new adventure of Junior High!!
Now.. if you don't have a 7th grade student.. we would LOVE some help!! We are in need of 3 or more volunteers to make this work, please get leave a note here, or contact Kim at 801.791.7825 if you are available to help.
See you Monday!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Registration times

If you are already paid please come in between 8:00 and 9:30
Not paid??
9th graders 9:30-10:15
8th graders 10:15-11:00
7th graders 11:00-11:45

Don't forget your coupon for shirts and your picture perfect smile!
See you there!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's almost here!

The first day of school is the 25th! Things to do before then:
~ Stop in and to get registered and your school picture taken, Aug 16 from 8:30-11 in the commons.
~ Come try your locker one more time and say hello to your teachers, Aug. 23 from 4-7. 7th graders, come meet other 7th graders and try to find your classes Aug 23 from 4-5 while Mom and Dad attend a meeting all about your (and their) new journey of Junior High!
~ Stop by and see your PTSA at either or both of these events and get your new shirt pre-ordered, pick up an old shirt for a great price and join your PTSA!!

We are looking forward to a great year and will see you there!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Everyone is welcome!

Come one, come all.. we are holding our yearly planning Monday, August 9th at 9am in the office conference room.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

43 days!!

Yes, only 43 days till first bell rings and 7th graders run lost in the hallways!
Be on the lookout for registration letters and a letter from your own PTSA. Lots of information, please take the time to look over both of them.
On our side bar the image that was our winner for our logo design for the year. We are doing pre-sale orders only so please read over that letter coming for details. There is also a coupon for 10% the already slashed prices of all previous year Scorpion merchandise.
We are looking forward to a great year so check back her often for updated information.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We want your input!!

With only 50 days left of school your PTSA is working on new shirts for next school year.
What color do you want the shirts to be? Brown or Gold? Vote on the side bar!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congratulations Roy High class of 2010!!!

Congratulations to all the 2010 Roy High graduates!
Roy Council PTA's are also happy to announce that the recipients of our
scholarships for this year: Julia Saxton and Kailee Bertagnolli, great job!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Please join us!!

Please come out and support our PTSA!!
Ohhh,, and parents we are looking for a few helpers too!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gearing up..

2010-2011 we are revamping your Sand Ridge Jr High PTSA!
PTSA is a group of Parents, Teachers and Students who help make the school a better place for everyone! In Junior High the PTSA is a smaller and less involved than what you may know a PTA to be from elementary school. We only have a handful of activities, two stomps and some miscellaneous teacher requests, but without the support of parents and students we are unable to offer t-shirts, stomps and other activities for the students, and the few requests the teachers have to help them with less out of pocket expenses, that the students always benefit from.

We are looking for some parents that would be interested in volunteering their time, talent and ideas to help build a strong PTSA for SJHS. For the 2010-2011 year we are looking for board members and volunteers (you don't have to be a member of the PTSA to volunteer). In addition to needing adults, we are looking for a few students to be on the board and be hands on with our planning to make this a student centric PTSA. The time commitments vary and we are willing to work with your schedule, so please call or email Kim at 801.791.7825 or if you are interested in helping.

Thank you for all you do for our students and our school!