Tuesday, July 13, 2010

43 days!!

Yes, only 43 days till first bell rings and 7th graders run lost in the hallways!
Be on the lookout for registration letters and a letter from your own PTSA. Lots of information, please take the time to look over both of them.
On our side bar the image that was our winner for our logo design for the year. We are doing pre-sale orders only so please read over that letter coming for details. There is also a coupon for 10% the already slashed prices of all previous year Scorpion merchandise.
We are looking forward to a great year so check back her often for updated information.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We want your input!!

With only 50 days left of school your PTSA is working on new shirts for next school year.
What color do you want the shirts to be? Brown or Gold? Vote on the side bar!