Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween, Fundraisers and more

WOW.. Your PTSA is busy!!
From now till Friday November 5th we are having our Cheerydale Candy Bar Fundraiser. Our goal is to raise enough money to buy banners for our gym and for selling you get great prizes! For selling one box you get a coupon for a FREE Vintage Cupcake, For selling two boxes you get a wonderful recycled, good smelling Smencil and Smen and for selling 4 boxes you get a mystery envelop with CASH!! Not to mention our top sellers will get prizes too!! (2) $50, (3) $25 and (5) $10... you know you want some money!!!

On Thursday we are sponsoring the annual PTSA Halloween stomp.. wear your approved costume for school and come to the stomp for friends, music, fun and a contest... Mr. Maag is DJing.. it's going to rock!!

And this month we are excited about our Chick Fl A family dinner night on the 18th. They are kindly donating 25% of all sales sold between 5pm and 8pm... WOW... and make sure to say HAY to the Cow at lunch on the 18th. PLEASE come join us for dinner!

We love our parents, students, teachers and volunteers! Thank you all for your support!! :D