Friday, January 28, 2011

February 2011

Hello Scorpions,
Isn't life great! The year is half way over and soon the sun will shine (we hope). But to add a little sunshine to your life the side bar has been updated with the things to look forward to in February.
Your PTSA is excited to see the banner up in the gym, that you all worked so hard for. Those will be there for generation of Scorpions to enjoy and we are proud to have gotten them for the school.
We are also gearing up for next school year, and we are in need of some volunteers! PTA is a lot easier in Junior High, but still needs about 10 people (or more) willing to commit to making it work. This year most of our board members are moving on and we need help for next year! We have some great traditions in place, so no one will need to reinvent the wheel to help out, we just need committed parents to step in and make a difference for our school. If you are that person, or know someone you could suggest, please let Kim Eschler know.
And... PLEASE feel free to join us for an open PTSA on Feb 8!!

We are looking forward to a great month... GO basketball and NHL!!