Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February PTSA meeting

Minutes for February 8, 2011

~Review budget- 1. Fundraiser/Banners 2. Dinner nights 3. Donuts/Store
At this time we have $5757.02 in the bank. Items still be paid are Teacher Appreciation, Volunteer Appreciation, end of year stomp, continuing donuts and end of year stomp. We have adjusted to only holding family dinners once a quarter, we have Wendy’s and Papa Murphy’s left.

~ Scorpion of the month: Dates are; 11/18, 1/20, 2/24, 3/24, 4/21 times help is needed are from 9-10am

~Parent Teacher Conferences/Volunteer appreciation: From 12:30-1:15 we are getting a Taco cart for the teachers and Volunteers to say thank you.

~Teacher appreciation week: We will do a lunch one day, and a small gift one day. Ideas are welcome.

~End of year stomp: We are looking at hiring the 97.1 DJ from earlier this year, he has enough black lights to light the gym. We were thinking a Neon beach theme. More info to come. Mr. Marchant will follow up with a date for us.

~Pancake breakfast: May 20 with our last donut date. We will pre sell tickets and invite the feeder 6th graders and their families.

~Next year/letter to students: We are really trying to reach incoming parents. A slide with Kim’s information has been added to the 6th grade registration info. A letter will go home with 6th graders in April about SRJH PTSA, the feeder elementary are putting notes in their newsletters too. Mr. Marchant will look into getting us the emails from the district so that we may reach the parents. We will also push for better communication to all parents.
Chair positions available with PTSA: President, Pres. Elect, Treasurer, Stomps*, Donuts*, Fundraiser*, Shirts*, Membership, Dinner Nights, Email/Blog/Facebook, Reflections, Teacher SEP lunches and Teacher Appreciation. (*Requires volunteers to run events.)